Crown College Residence Halls - Major Maintenance and ADA Improvements
Project Budget: $54 million
The Crown College Major Maintenance and ADA Improvements project provides capital renewal and accessibility improvements for eight residence hall buildings and the preceptor apartment. The project also includes the renovations to add eight student beds in the existing buildings. The construction is phased over the next three years to avoid taking a large quantity of beds off-line at one time.
2300 Delaware Building C - Warm Shell Alterations for Academic Programs - Phase 1
Project Budget: $27 million
The Alterations for Academic Programs project at 2300 Delaware Ave. is being implemented as a phased series of capital renewal projects to renovate unoccupied, and currently unusable, space. When all phases are complete, they will provide "warm shell" infrastructure for future flexible and generic research laboratory spaces that can accommodate a wide range of potential programs with modest research, program-specific build-out.
2300 Delaware Building C - Material Sciences Lab
Project Budget: $3 million
Materials Sciences Laboratory project improves approximately 3,000 SF for clean room laboratory and materials sciences wet lab. The research in this lab will foccus on the growth and characterization of advanced materials with strong magnetic and magnetoelectric interactions. Advances in this area could lead to materials used in future electronic devices that are more power efficient and faster than current technology
2300 Delaware Building C - STM Lab
Project Budget: $1.5 million
This project constructs a wet lab space for the materials sciences program and provides space and services for a scanning tunneling microscope to look at materials at the sub-atomic level. The research will focus on the electronic properties of 2D layered materials, such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and black phosphorus. Developments in this area could lead to transformative technologies that exploit the ultra-thin, flexible, and transparent nature of these exciting new materials.
2300 Delaware Building C - Smart Power Lab
Project Budget: $1.2 million
The Smart Power Lab will provide opportunities for pioneering research in the area of Smart Power. The research will focus on micro-grids, electric vehicle batteries, renewable energy systems, and automated technology devices that monitor and control energy distribution systems. The lab will accommodate up to three faculty and 12-15 research staff/students.
2300 Delaware Building C - Robotics Lab
Project Budget: $2 million
The Robotics Lab will provide approximately 6,000 square feet of space for up to five faculty and 20-25 research staff/students. Research will focus on autonomous systems, hybrid systems analysis, and will use ground-based and aerial robots in a controlled setting to test computational theories. The research lab includes a motion capture laboratory and support space.
2300 Delaware Building C - Thin Films and Materials Science Utility Expansion
Project Budget: $1.5 million
When the existing materials science and engineering research laboratories in Building C were constructed, they were outfitted with limited laboratory services and utilities, due to limited building capacity and funding at the time they were originally completed. As a result of the warm shell alterations project, the capacity to provide chilled water, nitrogen gas, vacuum, distilled water, compressed air and air conditioning to these existing laboratories is now feasible. This project will provide the necessary services to these areas to support the electrical engineering and physics departments utility extensions needs into the existing research laboratories.
2300 Delaware Building C - Building A/B Office Renovation
Project Budget: $2.6 million
As a result of the improvements in Building C, office space is needed to support the new research laboratories in Building C. This project will renovate approximately 56,000 gross square feet in Building A/B to take advantage of the existing building and to free up instruction and research space on the main campus.
Client: UCSC Regents
Architect: Various
Status: In Progress
Delivery Method: CM